Patent law and financing
Occasionally patents and trademarks are seen as valid asset in themselves. From our experience as patent attorneys though, we are able to say, that patents often only are a valuable asset in combination with a specific application.
Without the support and involvement of the inventors and workers though, a patent has no chance of being realized. The financing of a patent or trademark plays always plays an important role though, because these rights potentially ensure a business modell and can therefore increase the chances and perspectives of a company.
We offer support in the case of finding proof for the uniqueness of a business ideat. We offer expert certificates concerning legal validity of patents and we assist to evaluate and identify potential design-arrounds regarding patents and help to aviod these. Freedom to Operate statement issued by a patent attorney, help to see whether business concepts fall into the scope of foreign patents at an early stage.
Independent assessors can improve legal certainty of such evaluations. Together with financing experts, we assist you in convincing your investors. Our external advisors are experts on financing of business concepts and with their support, we are able to always keep in mind the point of view that investors and banks are concearned about. We are happy to assist you.
Your contact partners

Justus Kreuels

Philipp Henrichs

Hermann Kahlhöfer

Björn Ebling

Raphael Sander