Intellectual property rights

Securing lasting protection for your innovations, products and designs is essential to developing new markets and establishing a competitive edge in the marketplace. In the best case, it will enable you to establish monopolies (limited in terms of years) on inventions, innovations, and the technologies they give rise to. Our aim is to ensure that you are afforded the best possible protection in both technological and economic terms.

What kind of IP protection is appropriate for which sort of innovation?

The appropriate approach to protecting your innovations may vary depending on their origins. Inventions and innovations in the various fields of science and technology, for example, are protected by patents and utility models. Creative designs are the province of trademark and design protection. The appropriate form of intellectual property rights for effective protection against imitations varies with the nature of the invention.

Protecting complex products

Our firm works with its clients to develop case-based strategies for protecting inventions and innovations. The successful strategy may be one that combines an assortment of intellectual property rights, especially in the case of high-tech and complex products.

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