Innovation and innovation protection in the automobile industry
The automobile industry has always set a special focus on on innovation and innovation protection. German aautomobile producers and automobile suppliers count as one of the biggest patent registrating parties.

From the invention disclosure till the licence agreement
Our law firm has assisted and advised a variety of firms in the automobile industry over the last decade in various aspects of the automobile development process. With the highly specialized know-how and technical as well as legal insight of our patent attorneys our office is a competent partner concerning invention disclosure and patent applications. Our specialist are also experts on the field of developing patent strategies, helping with patent management and licence agreements. Especially small and medium-seized firms and suppliers without in-house patent law departments are our target.
The future: electromobility and autonomous driving
Major challenges for the automotive industry in the coming years will include the areas of electromobility and autonomous driving, which are likely to be accompanied by patent disputes. In order to secure market share in the long term, the successful enforcement of intellectual property rights is essential. With our patent attorneys' many years of successful experience in patent infringement proceedings, particularly in rapidly developing technology areas such as automotive, mobile communications, etc., our law firm is the right partner for enforcing your rights. Our patent attorneys have extensive experience in the automotive sector.
Your contact partners

Justus Kreuels

Björn Ebling

Raphael Sander

Philipp Henrichs

Hermann Kahlhöfer