Economical potential through patents.
For the constructional engineering and architecture sector, intellectual property rights play an important role. The constructional industry is responsible for around 4% of the gross value in Germany. Investing into innovative and modern building techniques promises to offer a high economic potential, that can be ensured by casting a intellectual property protection.

Testing building techniques through patents
New ideas and inventions, e.g. in the field of heat insulation, smart- home solutions, heating systems including techniques for heat recovery, renewable energies, low-enery standards, light, lighting, etc. should be examined together with your patent attorney concerning patentability and utility model registration.
Product design and industrial design protection
Also for architects the industrial property rights, next to copyrights, are an effective protection instrument. In the field of technical property rights (utility models, patents) as well as in the field of trademark protection there are interesting potection varieties. Not only creating but also designing and constructing a building as well as interior architecture and product design or industrial design can find property rights protection.
Architectual design protection
Design protection, which is guaranteed by the new Design Act (formerly the Registered Designs Act), is of particular importance in architecture. Since the introduction of the Design Act in 2013, designs have been referred to as "registered designs".
Your contact partners

Justus Kreuels

Philipp Henrichs

Hermann Kahlhöfer

Björn Ebling

Raphael Sander