Innovation potential in medicine techniques

For research and development in medicine and medicine techniques great obstacles will henceforth be set - especially concearning the demographic change. With the constantly rising life expectance and therefor increasing need for medical care and supply in form of diagnostics, prostetics, therapy and medication the market for innovative technology is constantly expanding. Many new possibilities are created and even small market participants can profit from it.

Medicine techniques

Interdisciplinary patent law orientated counsel

Whether it is imaging, surgery techniques, implantology or any other technology from the medical field: We compose a team of specialists for your subject area. We advise our clients with individualized expertese on the science fields of engineering and medicine technology.

Our expertese in the field of medicine techniques

Patent attorney Justus Kreuels studied mechanical engineering at RWTH Aachen University, specializing in medical technology and engineering fundamentals. In this context, he worked intensively on the simulation of biomechanics and growth processes in biological systems, using these simulations for the purpose of surgical planning. All in all, we are well equipped for your inventions in the field of medical technology.

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